What’s Next for the Holiday-That-Minuses-The-Comfort?! Matzel Toff!


Chocolate, toffee and matzah is what makes this gourmet matzah twist. Owners, Phillip and his wife, Abby, are fattening us up the way Phillip’s Bubbie Edith did. So you should feel immediate love with the first bite. Joan Hamburg and Rachel Ray have both devoured this chocolate-toffee love.

Matzel Toff! is sponsoring Project Passover. What’s your cause? For every box of Matzel Toff! purchased at www.MatzelToff.com in the name of your cause, 25% is donated. Mazel Tov to Matzel Toff! on a wonderful initiative.

Are You a Bissli or a Bamba?

They Have Our Backs…Because They Give Back

You must check out the snack king, OSEM. Not only has OSEM made Bissli & Bamba Kosher for Passover, they are reigning over High Tea with delicious cakes, chocolate coated matzah and Taster’s Choice. Of course OSEM is doing it’s usual crouton mandel’s and canned Olives, but did you know OSEM has High Fiber (Light) Matzah. It’s not our grandparent’s Passover!

PrimeTimeRadiance is acknowledging OSEM for their partnership with JNF. For every 5lb box of OSEM Passover Matzah, OSEM will contribute $2 to the Jewish National Fund to plant trees in Israel. Great reason to buy OSEM this year.

Let Fresh Direct Help You With Passover


With days to prepare for our journey to freedom we felt the push to get the tasks done. One of the huge tasks is the shopping. We are going to turn you onto venues and products that are untapped or new to the Passover platform.

Heard of Fresh Direct? Seen their trucks and polite delivery guys all over Manhattan?
We aren’t saying they invented grocery delivery but we do believe Fresh Direct revolutionized it.

They’re easy, deliver quality and they are ready for the holidays this April. We recognize them as one of the untapped resources and thereby are including them in our Passover Push.

Fresh Direct has brought in 20% more Kosher for Passover products this year. Shop their K for P wines, meats, dairy, beverages, teas, snacks. We know you’ll be inpressed with the beautiful selection. And even more impressed by their competitive prices. Enjoy your shopping experience… http://goo.gl/MuPRh

The second brand is Fresh Direct. Offering great prices, an admirable selection of Kosher for Passover products and Passover meals. You can read below all about it. But most importantly, Fresh Direct support your local charitable, school and religious organizations, through voucher donations. And FreshDirect donated more than 756,000 pounds of fresh, wholesome food to City Harvest throughout 2009. Yasher Koach to Fresh Direct for making a difference in our communities.